Here is a selection of film, audio or immersive storytelling projects.
On The Surface
Animation about about being an immigrant,
a Black woman and a mother.
Funded by Art With Impact.
We The People:
an exploration of activism in Brixton
Documentary film
With Virginia Nimarkoh and The Advocacy Academy
Funded by the Museum of London
An immersive event bringing to life the history of the India Club through food
Oral histories | Supper Club
With Sonia Kneepkens
Funded by the National Trust London
An immersive installation about the taste of resilience and migration
Oral histories | Exhibition design
With Sonia Kneepkens | Animated by Kate Anderson
Commissioned by the Migration Museum, London
An audio library of emotional food memories
Audio storytelling
With Sonia Kneepkens
A blanket that tells the story of a birth
Knitting | Soundscape
Exhibited at the Science Gallery, Dublin
A film exploring cultural awareness in mental health services
With Postcode Films, For Certitude
Honouring the journeys of people experiencing multiple disadvantages
Participatory research | Film and audio storytelling
With Innovation Unit for Lankelly Chase