Food For Life Better Care:
Better food and nutrition in later life
For Soil Association | Team: AJO CLUA, CHLOE GRAHAM, GUL RASSOUL (INNOVATION UNIT) | My role: Project Lead | 2016
“Good food has the power to transform lives and should be at the heart of everything we do. 1.3 million people over 65 suffer from malnutrition, placing significant strain on the NHS. Meanwhile, two out of every five older people say that the television is their main source of company. Good food and enjoyable mealtimes are important throughout our lives - but for older people they can dramatically improve health and wellbeing.” Joanna Lewis, Food for Life Strategy Director
Innovation Unit was commissioned by the Soil Association to conduct in-depth ethnographic research with older people to identify opportunity areas to improve their experience of food in care settings, in community settings and in hospital.
In-depth research with 11 Leicestershire residents over the age of 75 to understand their experiences and challenges relating to health and wellbeing through the lens of food.
Participatory workshops with local stakeholders.
Training the Food For Life Better Care team in design research methods.
The research was used by the Soil Association to inform a successful proposal to the Big Lottery Fund. The Food For Life Better Care programme received £1.25 million to launch a systematic, nation-wide, community-led transformation of the food ‘landscape’ for older people in England and Scotland.
Summary insights report